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Download files from the Net more efficiently

Download files from the Net more efficiently

Vote: (5 votes)

Program license: Trial version

Developer: Streamingstar

Version: 7.18

Works under: Windows


Program license

(5 votes)

Trial version





Works under:



  • Multi-threading technology for faster downloads
  • Supports multimedia streaming with pause and resume
  • Comprehensive download management features
  • User-friendly interface
  • Compatibility with popular browsers


  • Interface design is functional but not cutting-edge
  • Speed improvements may not be drastic for all users

Enhance Your Download Experience with HiDownload

HiDownload stands out as a robust multi-threaded download manager aimed at optimizing download speeds and efficiently managing files from the web and FTP sites. It's particularly tailored for users looking to maximize their broadband or dial-up connections to download individual files or entire lists with ease.

Features That Set HiDownload Apart

One of the most commendable aspects of HiDownload is its commitment to improving user experience through multi-threading technology. This feature enables the program to divide downloads into multiple segments, which can expedite the download process, leveraging the most out of the user's internet connection.

Not only is HiDownload efficient in managing regular downloads, but it is also equipped with the capability to handle multimedia streaming content. Users can conveniently pause and resume their downloads, making it easier to fetch movies, music, and capture streaming video without any significant hassle. This is particularly useful for those encountering inconsistent internet connectivity, as it safeguards against the loss of data due to broken connections.

The tool comes with a suite of standard features expected from a download manager. This includes the ability to schedule downloads, a handy drop basket, clipboard monitoring for quick download initiation, download history logging, categorization of downloads, and even the ability to preview zip files. These features provide an added layer of control and organization over the files being downloaded.

User Interface and Accessibility

While the user interface may not win design awards, HiDownload excels in functionality. With a clear display of ongoing downloads and a browser window integrated within the left hand pane, it simplifies the process of finding and managing downloads on your computer. Despite its simplistic design, the user interface is intuitive, facilitating easier navigation even for those less tech-savvy.

Performance Evaluation

The big question that remains is whether HiDownload stands up to its promise of accelerating download speeds. When benchmarked as an alternative manager for popular browsers like IE or Firefox, HiDownload clearly shines, offering improved control over downloads. Even though tangible speed enhancements may vary depending on factors such as your internet connection stability and server response times, HiDownload certainly establishes itself as a competent tool that goes beyond what your standard browser download capabilities offer.


All in all, HiDownload positions itself as a reliable and proficient download manager that provides flexibility and stability for those wanting to have better management over their downloads. While it might not miraculously transform your download speeds, it does promise a significantly improved download experience with a set of features tailored for convenience and efficiency.


  • Multi-threading technology for faster downloads
  • Supports multimedia streaming with pause and resume
  • Comprehensive download management features
  • User-friendly interface
  • Compatibility with popular browsers


  • Interface design is functional but not cutting-edge
  • Speed improvements may not be drastic for all users